Hight Back Golden Arowana For Sale Online
Details about Asian arowana for sale:
Hight Back Golden Arowana, Asian Arowana are rare and noble fish that bear a close resemblance to the traditional Dragon of Ancient china. It is believed to be auspicious and symbolises strength, prosperity, luck and wealth – and provides any aquarist with good Feng Shui. Renown across Asia for their symbol of wealth, these fish have a life span in excess of 20 years, and are a beautiful investment for the perfect tank.
Specifications of Hight Back Golden Arowana
Species name: Scleropages formosus
Common Names: Super High Back Arowana
Max. size: 24 inches
Environment: freshwater
Origin: Asia. Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam
Temperament: Relatively non-aggressive towards fishes that are to big to be considered food.
Company: Larger non aggressive species.
Water parameters: pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 25-30°C / 77-86° F
Aquarium setup: Large aquariums with a lot of free areas to swim on. This species is an excellent jumper so a secure top is necessary. The bottom decoration is of less importance since this fish dwells in the upper water regions. A few larger floating plants are appreciated.
Do not use sharp objects since arowanas are easily frightened and might hurt themselves And an adult asian arowana will require about 6 months to regenerate a dropped scale..
Feeding: Accepts all kind of live food
Breeding: Have been breed in aquariums and then under highly monitored conditions. Asian arowanas are usually breed in large outdoor ponds in Asia.

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