Exploring the World of African Peacock Cichlids

african peacock cichlids for sale

African Peacock Cichlids For Sale: Aulonocara

Dive into the mesmerizing realm of African Peacock Cichlids, where vibrant colors, distinctive patterns, and captivating behaviors come together to create a stunning aquatic display. These freshwater jewels, native to the lakes of East Africa, are prized for their beauty and dynamic personalities. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of African Peacock Cichlids, a true delight for aquarium enthusiasts.

What Are African peacock cichlids

African Peacock Cichlids For Sale

African Peacock Cichlids (Aulonocara) are prized for their dazzling colors, intricate patterns, and charismatic behavior. Originating from Lake Malawi, these cichlids are renowned for their peaceful nature (for cichlids) and make excellent additions to both freshwater community tanks and dedicated cichlid setups.

African Peacock Cichlids, with their striking beauty and engaging behavior, bring a touch of the African lakes to your home aquarium. Whether you’re a seasoned cichlid enthusiast or a newcomer to the hobby, the allure of these stunning fish is undeniable. Explore the world of African Peacock Cichlids and elevate your aquatic experience to new heights of elegance and vibrancy.

Key Features Of African peacock cichlids

Vibrant Colors:

Our African Peacock Cichlids showcase an array of mesmerising colours, from electric blues and fiery oranges to regal purples. Witness your aquarium come alive with the vivid hues of these 6-inch wonders.

Peaceful Demeanour:

Despite their impressive size, African peacock cichlids are known for their relatively peaceful interactions with other fish. This makes them suitable for community setups, adding both beauty and tranquility to your tank.

Varied Patterns:

Each African Peacock Cichlid boasts unique patterns that add an extra layer of visual appeal. Their distinctive markings make them stand out as true aquatic gems.


Peacocks are omnivores; in the wild, they feed on small crustaceans, algae and cichlid fry. In the aquarium provide them a high-quality cichlid pellet or flake (this should contain an adequate amount of yellow carotene pigments.) Most of their natural diet is meat-based so ensure you also feed peacocks some frozen brine shrimp or frozen bloodworms periodically.


Not very difficult. Maternal mouthbrooder. Ideally, it should be spawned in a species tank in a harem of one male and at least 3 females, although it will often spawn in the community aquarium.


Males are more colorful while females are silver and brown). But if in doubt look to the fins of these fish to determine its sex.

Males feature a “pointed” and slightly longer dorsal fin and anal fin. Females will have more rounded fins. The male may have bright egg spots on his anal fin, whilst a small percentage of females will also have egg spots.

How big do African peacock cichlids get?

African Peacock Cichlids, scientifically known as Aulonocara, are a group of freshwater fish native to Lake Malawi in East Africa. These cichlids are popular among aquarium enthusiasts for their vibrant colors and relatively peaceful behavior compared to other cichlid species. The size of African peacock cichlids can vary based on factors such as the specific species and sex.


Males: Male African Peacock Cichlids are generally larger and more colorful than females. They can reach an average size of 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm), with some species having males that may even exceed these measurements.

Females: Females are usually smaller, ranging from 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm) in length.

It’s important to note that there are various species and color variations within the Aulonocara genus, and the size can vary between them. Additionally, individual fish may not reach their full-size potential if kept in less-than-ideal conditions or in smaller tanks.

If you plan to keep African Peacock Cichlids, it’s advisable to provide them with a spacious aquarium, good water quality, and an appropriate diet to support their health and growth. Keep in mind that these cichlids can be territorial, especially males, so it’s important to monitor their behavior and provide adequate hiding places and territories in the aquarium.

Why Choose Exotic Aquatic Pet Store?

  1. Quality Assurance:
    • At Exotic Aquatic Pet Store, we prioritize the health and well-being of our fish. Our African Peacock Cichlids are raised in optimal conditions, ensuring they are robust, disease-free, and ready to thrive in your aquarium.
  2. Knowledgeable Staff:
    • Our experienced staff is passionate about aquatic life and is here to guide the care and maintenance of African Peacock Cichlids. Feel free to ask any questions or seek advice regarding the best practices for these magnificent fish.
  3. Convenient Shipping:
    • We offer secure and convenient shipping options to ensure that your African Peacock Cichlids reach you in the best possible condition. Our packaging is designed to minimize stress during transit.

How to Order:

Visit our website or contact us directly to secure your stunning 6-inch African Peacock Cichlids. Hurry, as these beauties are in high demand!

Don’t miss the chance to enhance your aquarium with the regal presence of African Peacock Cichlids. Visit Exotic Aquatic Pet Store today and bring home these magnificent 6-inch wonders!

FAQS about Our African Peacock Cichlids For Sale

African Peacock Cichlids are a species of freshwater fish native to Lake Malawi in East Africa. Known for their vibrant colors and distinct markings, they are a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts.

African Peacock Cichlids thrive in tanks of at least 55 gallons or larger, providing ample swimming space. Larger tanks reduce aggression and allow for a more harmonious environment.

African Peacock Cichlids prefer a water temperature range of 76-82°F (24-28°C). Maintaining a stable temperature within this range is essential for their well-being.

Yes, these cichlids benefit from efficient filtration to maintain water quality. A canister filter or a system that provides both mechanical and biological filtration is recommended.

African Peacock Cichlids are omnivores. A high-quality cichlid pellet or flake food supplemented with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms will provide a balanced diet.

While African Peacock Cichlids can be territorial, they are generally less aggressive compared to other cichlid species. However, it’s crucial to provide hiding spots and monitor their behavior, especially during breeding.

African Peacock Cichlids are best kept with other Lake Malawi cichlids in a species-specific tank. Mixing them with non-cichlid species may lead to aggression, as their behavior is influenced by their natural habitat.

Male African Peacock Cichlids typically display more vibrant colors and longer fin extensions. Females are generally less colorful, and their bodies may have a more subdued appearance.

African Peacock Cichlids prefer slightly alkaline water with a pH range of 7.5-8.5. Hard water with a dH of 10-20 is suitable for replicating their natural habitat conditions.

Providing a sandy substrate is ideal, as it mimics their natural environment and allows for natural behaviors such as digging and sifting through the substrate.

When introducing new African Peacock Cichlids to a tank, it’s recommended to rearrange decorations and territories to minimize aggression. Gradual acclimatization to the new environment is also important.

To encourage breeding, provide suitable breeding caves and maintain stable water conditions. A proper diet and ensuring a balanced male-to-female ratio contribute to successful breeding.

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